Modern Home 2011

We went to this exhibition at expo on a weekday and there’s really almost NO ONE in the exhibition hall! haha… someone might say… ‘good wat! no one to squeeze with u’.. BUT on the other hand.. u will get the UNDIVIDED attention of almost all the salespeople there!!!

Every booth we went past… there will be someone chanting… ‘sir/mdm.. mattress for u?’.. haha.. there’s so many bed/mattress booths! oh ya! talking abt mattress.. maybe i shld add a qk note here… we got our mattress ‘Max Coil’.. a USA brand.. at the last expo furniture show also! haha.. sounds like we r suckers for this kind of shows!

hee..sorry to side track.. back to Modern Home.. our purposes today are:-

1. Find OPSH booth to see what is their promotion package and see if dear Freddy Kruger can match. haha.. freddy (kruger) is this salesman from OPSH that we met at their showroom. We r sooooo typical singaporeans.. scared exhibition price will be better than the price he gave us last time and wanna go expo see for ourselves to make sure we dun get cheated (well doing our due dilligence… not too kiasu rite?)

2. Walk around to see if there’s any new dining tables.. coffee tables that can catch our attention

3. Actually there’s only 2 purposes listed abv.. this 3rd one is i just add in one… shop for wallpapers…

i totally have no idea that we can find wallpapers at exhibitions like dat (call me suaku or whatever names).. i thot wallpapers will have to go to wallpaper shops to buy.. i shortlisted Goodrich and Europa and thot since we r in Changi.. we can drop by Goodrich to take a look…

it goes like this.. we r walking walking.. in our heads… we r thinking of OPSH/Furniture.. OPSH/Furniture.. then as i mentioned earlier.. every salesperson at every booth will chant something.. ‘mattress for u sir..?’… ‘bedframes, sofa?..’ after a few booths… we pass by this shop… expected..the person chants..’chairs? sofas? carpet? (ok.. i made all this up.. i totally cant remember what he is chanting) & WALLPAPERS?’

DING DING!!! wallpaper! i immediately turn ard… look at him.. n say.. yes.. i want to see your wallpaper! hahaha

n so.. after some qk checks around.. including calling thomas.. our so far every reliable ID.. we decided to go for the $399 package for this korean white bricks lookalike wallpaper..decided… no nid to go Goodrich/Europa anymore.. this must b one of the fastest decision we made regarding a quite big decision.. all thks to fg.. coz he got this design streak in him that i’m probably lacking.. hmm come to think of it.. if he has it.. then i no nid wat.. depend on him lor! =ppp

the wallpaper is gg to be on the whole wall behind the sofa.. which will be the most prominent wall when u step into the hse… =) I tried my best (really my best) to do some photoshopping… incorporate that wallpaper and put our sofa in front of it (with the colours as close as i can rem) well as our potential dining table n here goes.. (fg i know it’s ugly.. pls dun kill me)

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