PC show 2011 @ Suntec

this is gg to b a long post.. =)

we have been kind of waiting for this pc show to buy our TVs.. haha.. ppl always say go this kind of show wont be cheaper by alot.. but u will get more freebies for sure.. n that’s wat we r looking for! of coz muz b ‘useful’ freebies la… cheapo cheapo.. as responsible adults n on a v tight budget… we feel that we need to do our due diligence for major appliances… =p

this year’s PC show is at Suntec city.. we of coz being non rats.. went on a thursday afternoon… n to our surprise (not v v surprise la actually).. carparks r full.. from suntec to marina sq and even millenia walk! i guess Singaporeans really v free.. thursday also take leave come pc show whack! haha.. anyway back to carpark.. we finally got into the basement carpark of suntec.. behind this long chain of cars.. going thru the motion of moving.. n stopping whenever one car in front in front gets a lot n wants to park… AND.. suddenly we look to our right… there’s a car getting out!!! n it’s our lot! HUAT AH!

off to a lucky start.. aredi start to feel good abt the show! fg ask me which flr to go to? i m totally clueless.. i m simply following fg wherever he turn.. i keep telling myself.. b focus b focus… our main objective today is TV n TV n TV (hmmm actually.. maybe printer also).. anyway.. started from the 6th flr first..

some observations abt this year’s pc show (compared to the last one i went prob 2 years ago).. now they have ‘yellow boxes’.. the people distributing the flyers r not allowed to ‘step’ outside the yellow boxes.. haha.. not sure how strict they reinforce this rule though..

6th flr is selling most of the major brands.. mostly selling laptops n computers.. but we r v focus.. haha.. we first pass by TOSHIBA.. SAMSUNG… nothing interesting.. we r looking ard for LG actually n we stump upon philips.. it’s actually gain city but tink gain city got a huge tie up with philips.. they are just starting their ‘lelong’ ‘3 sets only’ special price items! HAHHAHA… this is exactly wat we r looking for!

first item… 42″ LED LCD 100 hz TV! woooo that’s what we want! haha.. Retail price $2299… show price $1699… n now for 3 sets only…. what’s the price whats the price? they keep talking n talking.. purposely keeping us in suspense.. first they tell us the features of the tv… then.. they list down the freebies..

1. Free delivery (this goes without saying right)
2. Free HDMI cable (at this pt.. we r still like ‘tell us the price la or we will walk to LG’)
3. Free $500 Philips voucher!!!! (BUY BUY BUY!)

suddenly my heart starts beating faster.. the next step we need to do is once they reveal the price.. we have to ‘snatch’ one of the number tags on the salesperson’s hands.. there’s only 3 numbers (of coz this muz b a gimmick too!).. so at the count of 3… 1, 2,… 3! The price is…. $1499!

Snatch! Snatch! Snatch! hahaha..evil me ask fg to change places with me so that he can be closer to the salesman.. n with my fg’s agility.. we of coz successfully get 1 number.. haha.. (triumph look)

so… it’s settled… Philips 42″ LED TV… we bought our single most expensive appliance in our house… =))) effective price onli $999! happies!!! n it looks pretty too!

lucky lucky.. this really muz b fated… go one big round… in the end we still got philips… next will be to use the $500 philips voucher to buy our second TV in the master bedroom… that will be the philips 40″ LED also 100 Hz.. selling at $888!… our effective price for the 2 LED tvs will be $1887! =))) now we will have to make a trip down to Philips at Toa payoh to buy our second TV.. we have so many appliances from Philips (i will update our shopping at the Philips warehouse sale in another post).. maybe can ask them to feature our home for their advertisement! hahha

after our successful ‘snatch’ of the TV deal.. we juz walk ard aimlessly.. we looked at sounds systems (there’s one from creative not bad… at $199).. starhub/singtel broadband plans.. laptop bags etc… then we remembered we need to look at printers.. we already know what we want.. Brother’s 5-in-1 mono laser printer.. the price at the show is $278 with $20 Takashimaya voucher

this brother printer we shortlisted since like 2 months ago when we decided to get a laser printer… BUT… suddenly 杀出一个程咬金! seriously alot of things really fated.. we r walking aimlessly ard n passed by LEXMARK.. normally i wont anyhow take the flyers but for some reason.. i juz decided to take a look at their flyer n even ask to see their laser printer.. the reason being… when i did my printer research 2 months back.. there’s always quite good reviews on lexmark.. but unfortunately.. they r also pricer.. so.. since we pass by their booth… mentality is why not juz take a look… 不看白不看.. that’s when Ms Tan appear..

as u can see fr the tag… $129!!!

it’s almost the same specs as the brother.. it’s $149 cheaper.. the toner can print more as compared to brother.. drum also can print more.. BUT (i believe u can sense this coming)… it’s ugly.. (as put it by fg).. beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.. i dun tink it’s ugly ugly.. but brother definitely nicer la.. this lexmark one is bulky & heavy.. needs to put on the flr definitely..

so so.. it’s Brother VS Lexmark.. $278 vs $129… no brainer really.. aesthetics got to go… we will learn to live with an ugly printer… maybe chuck in below our desk n only see it once in a while! =ppp

well… the picture doesnt look too bad.. have to learn to psycho ourselves

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