Harvey Norman – We declare a price war!

Posted this abit late… i’m actually recollecting what happened on Sunday 12 June…

fg is falling sick… but he juz realised he wanna get a bigger pc monitor.. n after some research… the Dell monitor with the “IPS”.. has v good reviews (my fg is v much into reviews).. n pc show selling at a good discount! so decided.. PC show it shall be… FIGHTING!

well after buying the monitor.. of coz we decided to return to gain city to get our 2nd TV for our master bedroom… the $500 philips voucher.. we will be keeping it for all other misc appliances that we will need in the house..

so swipe swipe swipe away.. made another purchase… philips 40″ LED 100 HZ TV for $899 with FREE DVD player and FREE digital camera! hahaha

another purpose why we came to pc show is to look at projectors… how to put it.. we wanted to get a projector in our living room… so we really can a home theatre ‘feel’.. but there are pros n cons really.. in short… we finally decided.. to drop the idea…

Lastly before we leave the pc show… we remembered.. we ‘bio-ed’ a Creative computer speaker when we came on Thursday.. n since both of us like it so much… off we trotted along to the 6th flr to make our final swipe for the day (or at least we thot at that point of time).. when we reach there.. ALAS.. to our surprise.. almost 80% of the speakers on display r gone!!! when we ask the promoters.. they say all sold out.. =((( n here i m still harbouring a little hope that maybe final day got more discount! .. anyways.. they said Marina Square branch still have a few more sets.. n guess wat.. tugging along fg’s monitor.. we trotted over to Marina sq to buy! wahhahaha… wat a sense of achievement!!! kudos to my fg! on the way back to suntec carpark.. he has to carry his 10kg monitor on one hand n another 10 kg creative speakers cum subwoofer on the other hand!

if u read until this pt of time.. u muz be wondering.. what’s harvey norman abt? b patient… here comes.. we r aredi done with our shopping for the day.. n walking back to the carpark.. we passed by Harvey Norman.. recently it’s almost SOP that we will go into every Courts/Harvey Norman/Best Denki etc to make one round.. juz to check check if they got new promotion la.. new discounts la

n so we walked into Harvey Norman.. they are running this promotion now.. We Declare Price War (obviously targeted at Courts).. n so we for sure made good use of that knowledge..

1. First.. we went to check out our Jamo speakers with Onkyo amp.. we r SUPER surprised at the price the guy (Aaron) gave us.. that we immediately decide to BUY IT!.. until today.. i’m still kind of suspecting did the poor guy give us the wrong price…

– Courts quoted $14XX
– Harvey Norman quoted $14XX (by a guy that knows we cfm buying one)
– the speakers itself is selling $999

n this Aaron quoted us $1140!!! .. i really cant believe my ears! immed i tell fg.. BUY!

2. After super faith in this Aaron.. we decided to ask him to help check the price of our fridge.. n of coz not forgetting to bring up Courts pricing.. which is $970… Sharp black colour chio chio fridge.. HN dun have ready stock.. but he went all out to get the Sharp guy n the sharp guy called his boss.. n got us $899 for the fridge!!! haha.. he said no where else (esp courts) will we get this price.. i m convinced.. happies

3. We thot muz as well juz settle everything together since got one delivery charge already (Aaron got it down to $10 for us.. *wicked grin*).. Washing machine.. we set our hearts at the cheapest 6.5kg Samsung one for the longest time.. $250 Aaron matched the price of those neighbourhood shop that we asked for pricing before.. THEN.. the sharp guy came along.. n gave us his sales pitch why we shld buy the sharp one.. 7kg better technology.. blah blah blah.. we r not good at washing machines at all.. but aesthetically.. sharp one looks better… =p retail is $359… we asked for best price.. he went abt making some calls.. then came back says $319 best price.. then we told him.. if can get below $300 then we buy.. or else we stick to samsung… n guess what.. he came back say ok.. $299! we got a 17% discount just like dat!

n it’s not over!! HN running a promotion that every for the amt we spent.. we r entitled to 4 scratch cards… min each card is $10.. max is $1000… haha.. if u r thinking we so lucky.. errr no la.. we scratched… 3 r $10 and 1 is $20.. so total $50 cash vouchers!!! can come back n shop some more!!! no min purchase one =)))

still got still got.. HN running another promotion with Citibank.. if pay by Citibank.. can get free coffee maker!!! wahahhaa.. we r entitled 2 actually but it’s the last one aredi!!! we literally have to ‘protect’ our coffee maker coz other shop assistant also want to take for their customer!!!

that’s the end of another eventful shopping day.. at this juncture.. we almost bot all we need for our house.. the misc will be using our philips voucher liao… =)

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