Relocation of aircon unit

To be honest.. Sometimes i feel like a carrothead. When our id brought the ac contractor to our hse for inspection.. He said the cost for relocating the ac unit will be from $300 – $500.. N make a guess what the final quote turn out to be? Clever u.. $500 of coz!

It’s damn annoying that u aredi know u r gg to b dok  but there’s nothing much u can do. Of coz we have the option of getting an alternative quote.. But it’s time and effort and the end result might b the same. I’m sure my id gets a good cut out of our electrical as well as this ac job.. I juz hope he will be happie n do his job well..

Come to think of it.. Juz before we started works..  our id suddenly one day called and said due to our demolition works done to our 2 bedrooms..  our condo management needs us to submit a drawing endorsed by a PE..  I can’t remember what a PE stand for..  Basically needs the endorsement of a professional engineer to give his ‘stamp’ n say the two walls can tear down.. N to get that bloody stamp he say need ard $800 – $1000! But luckily a qk check with our agent who is on the management committee..  We found out that there’s no need for this! Our id juz need to prepare a letter for us to sign to say we agree to tear down the walls can liao!

Maybe this cost our id some commission haha but luckily we checked..  Guess we gain some we lose some..  We all learn from experiences..  Next time we will know..  🙂

Later today we will go check out how renovation is getting along! Will update with photos again!

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