Archive for August, 2011

八月初一 9.55am – Entering the new house ceremony!

Today is auspicious day for moving… 大吉 according to the 通书 =) the time is supposed to be from 9 to 11am…

fg daddy lighted a mini stove outside the house… using charcoal n fire starter.. quite a bit of smoke.. haha.. for a while i m worried neighbours will run out tinking got fire!

when the fire is hot n furious… we opened the door and start to roll the pineapples into the house! fg requested for 8 pineapples! haha. so we like bowling like dat.. rolled the pineapples one by one into the house!

after that… we brought the stove into the house and placed it in the middle of the living room…and turned on all the lights in the house.. then fg mummy start to cook water using our gas stove.. according to her.. we muz drink the boiled water to signify that we r the owners of the house…

we then placed the pineapples around the whole house… initially i thot we can make pineapple juice to drink! haha.. but later i found out the pineapples cannot eat! well.. ‘李大师’ said it’s bcoz the pineapples ‘absorb’ all the bad 气 in the house… so we muz throw it away… hmm… kind of make sense…

that marks the end of the ceremony… interesting… =) fg mum then starts to cook a simple meal… our first real meal in our new house… now… we r officially ‘moved in’…

BKK update!

MIA for a loooong while… finally got time to sit down for a post… =p

went bkk over the last weekend for my birthday!!! landed in bkk on the 14th august and after checking in the hotel.. we went straight to Chatuchak (CTC)! as expected.. it’s hot hot n hot.. went to CTC several times before but this is the first time it rained.. so hot + rain = v sticky!

despite the weather conditions.. we r determined to find wat we r there for.. without looking at clothes (my fave).. n accessories.. n shoes (my fave too).. a slight distraction with my fg buying a hat.. we headed straight to the ‘home’ section…

we have a few things we wanted to check out

1. dining table stuff eg.. salt n pepper.. condiments containers…

2. Tatami

3. clothes hanger

4. Toilet sign

We got our item 2 first… v qkly we decided to go for the ‘jumbo’ size tatami.. it cost only SG$33.33! cheap but HEAVY! think it’s like 7.5kg! luckily the shop allows us to put the tatami there while we continue to shop! forgot to take a pic while we r there.. n now it’s all wrapped up nicely.. will post a pic when we unwrap it!

shortly after we get our tatami.. we turned a corner and saw a shop similar to a 五金店.. sells all sorts of things.. including clothes hanger.. we saw a white colour hanger (which we r looking for).. quite good quality and it’s cheap! coz our walk-in wardrobe wall is pink colour.. our pole system wardrobe is white.. so our hangers also need to be white and we need to ‘standardise’ all our hangers in order to look nice n neat =p n so.. we bot 2 boxes of hangers! in all.. we have 288 hangers to b split between the 2 of us! think aredi also happie! =)))

after the heavy burden of the tatami n the hangers.. i start to worry we cant bring back any additional stuff.. so in a way… i’m reluctant to buy any more things.. but we still carried out walking for a while.. determined to get the ‘condiments container’.. but really cldnt find anything to our liking.. so.. in the end .. we decided to go back singapore daiso to look for it..

and my toilet sign.. i wanted one so that i can hang it on the door of the common toilet.. so that my guest will know to go straight instead of turning into my wardrobe.. but cant find a matching colour one with the ‘colour of the year’ aquamarine.. so… give up…

that’s end of CTC..

next day.. we visited the loft at the discovery centre.. loft is actually quite expensive… but the things there really v pretty… esp the pink colour plates.. cups.. bowls.. etc etc.. anyway… i tink enough of pink.. i’m so into pink that someone got to stop me or the whole house will turn into a barbie house..

after walking ard for a while n tinking that we wont be getting anything (coz expensive).. we found a SALE corner!!! wahahaha. at least the prices there look decent!!! n there after discussion.. we decided we wanted to make our kitchen green! well.. we had always wanted green in the first place.. ever since that day we walked into an EMOI shop.. we wanted an EMOI kitchen.. but it turned out if we buy all our stuff from EMOI… it’s gg to really burn a big hole in our pockets… so.. we dropped that idea.. n now at Loft.. we decided to recreate that ‘green’ feel again! Here’re the things we bot eventually (All Green Colour!):

1. Kitchen Dustbin
2. Wall clock
3. Vegetables washing basket
4. Salad bowl
5. Chopping board
6. 2 cups

happies happies.. now that kitchen is green.. it’s easier to shop for things too… no need to worry abt choosing wat colour.. juz take the green!

sorry this post has no pictures.. duno why.. not in a picture taking mode for a while… i’ll take more pictures n post in the next post!!!

Before & After pics

missing in action for a while… no excuses… been bz with work and of coz laziness sets in… =p

here’s the before & after shots of the house as promised! the ‘after’ photos r 3D drawings.. haha.. house not ready yet la..

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