八月初一 9.55am – Entering the new house ceremony!

Today is auspicious day for moving… 大吉 according to the 通书 =) the time is supposed to be from 9 to 11am…

fg daddy lighted a mini stove outside the house… using charcoal n fire starter.. quite a bit of smoke.. haha.. for a while i m worried neighbours will run out tinking got fire!

when the fire is hot n furious… we opened the door and start to roll the pineapples into the house! fg requested for 8 pineapples! haha. so we like bowling like dat.. rolled the pineapples one by one into the house!

after that… we brought the stove into the house and placed it in the middle of the living room…and turned on all the lights in the house.. then fg mummy start to cook water using our gas stove.. according to her.. we muz drink the boiled water to signify that we r the owners of the house…

we then placed the pineapples around the whole house… initially i thot we can make pineapple juice to drink! haha.. but later i found out the pineapples cannot eat! well.. ‘李大师’ said it’s bcoz the pineapples ‘absorb’ all the bad 气 in the house… so we muz throw it away… hmm… kind of make sense…

that marks the end of the ceremony… interesting… =) fg mum then starts to cook a simple meal… our first real meal in our new house… now… we r officially ‘moved in’…

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